El Nuevo Día: Study promotes the use of evidence-based practices among mental health professionals in Puerto Rico
Evidence-based practices are treatment or prevention methods proven successful in clinical or community studies. They optimize cost-effectiveness and the probability of success in mental health care. However, half of the professionals in this field in Puerto Rico need to learn how to implement them.
A new study by Natalia Giraldo Santiago, a postdoctoral researcher at Massachusetts General...
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Dialogue to create joint efforts against juvenile delinquency
The “Puerto Rico Minors Act” (Act 88-1986) was recently reformed. In this context, 18 government and nonprofit sector representatives started a conversation about the processes to address juvenile delinquency in Puerto Rico. It was the first of a series of meetings between the components of the social welfare system and the juvenile justice system to develop a joint work plan that offers...
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Mental health professionals urge a comprehensive look at the needs of children and youth in Puerto Rico
(Mayagüez, PR) – Adopting a broad human rights perspective on the development of children and youth in Puerto Rico will be the focus of a meeting between the country’s mental health professionals and other experts. The symposium titled “Comprehensive Development and Well-being of Children and Youth: A Socio-Structural Perspective” will be hosted by the Puerto Rico...
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Culture of support needed for social workers
The discussion around how to break stigmas and support the well-being of an organization’s workforce is being redefined. Workers seek more flexible environments that foster a healthy organizational culture, promote quality of life, and provide growth opportunities. Staff performance is decisive for an organization, hence the importance of developing programs that promote the well-being...
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Functional family therapy for young people in legal trouble
We live in a historic moment for our children and youth, with public policies to identify alternatives that promote minor well-being and comprehensive development. As a fundamental part of this process, during the summer of 2022, the Puerto Rico Minors Act (Act 88-1986) was reformed, establishing 13 years as the minimum age for minor prosecution and adding mediation processes for conflict...
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